The word 'Computer Vision' arranged like an eye chart test


We’ve been tackling buzz words in the tech industry recently. This is because there is a certain trend that occurs once a term is coined. Everyone uses it without fully getting it and that causes misinformation, confusion, and sometimes fake news. This time around we are looking at the term computer vision.


When you look at an image of a crowd your brain can immediately figure out who is a familiar face, who is a stranger, who is a man or a woman, who is a child or an adult, and roughly someone’s ethnicity. You can also see the clothing people are wearing, who looks put together and who does not, and what time of day it is or season depending on the foreground and lighting.

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Abstract illustration of circles symbolizing a deep learning A.I. system


We’ve been tackling buzz words in the tech industry recently. This is because there is a certain trend that occurs once a term is coined. Everyone uses it without fully getting it and that causes misinformation, confusion, and sometimes fake news. In this article we are looking at the terms machine learning and deep learning.


Every time a new tool or app is invented, a new word follows. So, let’s tackle two that have been flying around our heads for the past few years: Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). Techies, business gurus, and marketers love these words and throw them around whether or not they understand the differences.

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Photos of diverse human faces symbolizing Kairos Facial Ethnicity Recognition


Diversity is strength. Diversity is great for your business. Diversity is happening. At Kairos we are mindful of how our face recognition technology will play a part in this important, and often sensitive, space. With the release of our new ‘ethnicity’ feature, I got the team together to discuss what this might mean for the world. If you’re curious to see your own information - Try it now.


In this article I’ll share some of the work Kairos is committed to, around diversity and inclusion. We’ll cover how ethnicity detection works, how it’s different from the practice of ancestry and the science of genealogy, and you’ll be able to view some cool examples of Kairos’ ethnicity detection accuracy.

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Illustration symbolizing the terms difference between 'API' and 'SDK'


In any niche world of business there are acronyms and buzzwords that make up the industry's jargon. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up with all these trendy words and if you’re just getting into the industry you may not know many of them, and that is normal.


In the world of facial recognition there are many of these terms (FAR, FRR, and EER anyone?), but two important acronyms you may hear often are API and SDK.

It is vital to know what these terms mean, how they are different, and how they can come together in a product. So to help explain them, we’ll use the analogy of baking a cake.

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Photo of a Emma Yang, creator of the 'Timeless' Alzheimer's app


At Kairos, one of our main goals is to better understand how developers use our products. Knowing your challenges and successes helps us learn from each other but also sharing those challenges and successes helps us all connect in our community.


Each month we'll be featuring an interview with our customers allowing them to share their journey, knowledge, and advice with our API and SDKs.

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Verify people in your apps—Integrate face recognition with our easy-to-code API.



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