Recognize. Merchandize. Monetize.



In-Store Analytics

Who are your customers? This simple question's answer can translate into more revenue for your business. Everyone wants to make a sale. And everyone wants to do it more than once.

Kairos can hone in on your customer demographics to capture who comes into your stores and how often. How many of the people that walk through your doors are buyers versus browsers? Who’s drawn in by your window displays? Are you reaching your target audience? Our tools can help you get answers to these questions.


Turn Your Store into a Live Heat Map

Kairos can increase store efficiency for you and create value for your wholesale partners.

A/B test products and floor plans. Does placing specific products at your point of sale increase revenue? Do in-store displays influence customer’s choices about what brands they buy? Will implementing mobile check out points in certain areas unclog traffic in your store? Better gauge the number of employees to have on staff at different times during the day.

Kairos can track foot traffic patterns in your store. You can then use the insights from Kairos to design a more effective retail floor plan. You can test your changes against real-time human metrics like presence and engagement. With Kairos, you always keep improving.


Give them the VIP treatment

Attention to even the smallest details can improve a customer’s perception of your brand. Everyone wants to feel like a VIP. Kairos can help you in make that happen.

Kairos can identify your list of VIPs and set up alerts so your employees know when one of them walks into the store. You can also use Kairos to trigger past purchase logs and loyalty cards. Kairos helps salespeople stay on top of their game, no matter when they started.


Intelligent Digital Signage

Make every impression from your out of home advertising efforts count. Use Kairos to understand who’s looking at your billboards and displays to show an ad relevant to them.

Why sell stilettos to a teenage boy, when you can sell them video games? Analyze metrics like gender, age or mood to target ads relevant to specific demographics. Change displays in real time to fit different customers' needs.

How Facial Recognition Will Impact The Shopping Industry

Cartoon image of a barista at a coffeeshop with digital signs in the background


  Understand more about shoppers

  Design more effective signage

  Make customers feel like VIP

  Optimize around your KPIs

  Target offers at relevant demographics

  Change your displays in real time

Ready to get started with Kairos?