Don't be good, be great.

Apple 1984. Got Milk? The Force. Great ads don't adhere to formulas. But in the age of empirical evidence, how do you take intelligent risks? Kairos helps you become more data driven without compromising your craft's humanity. You can measure your work's emotional impact and make informed creative decisions.


That Super Bowl commercial you proposed?

"But, we're positive it's gonna go viral!" - If your client is hesitant, create a quick test and build evidence on how your target audience reacts. Unsure about how to edit your footage? Compare a few different cuts and see which gets better results. Kairos lets you create quick video studies where you can measure people’s emotional reactions. You can use it to validate your ideas or measure how your work fares against competitors'.


Your ad won three Lions at Cannes last year. But did it actually work?

Kairos can measure your audience's engagement in real time. Different from traditional data gathering approaches Kairos can also track unique responses and outliers. Understanding those with the strongest sentiments leads to understanding your audience as a whole. You can discover a whole new array of untapped demographics to target. Kairos is versatile and platform agnostic. You no longer need to worry about how your television content translates across channels. You can design studies to optimize viewability and capture audiences in all mediums. We make understanding people easy, so you can focus on how to deliver your message best.

IPG advances consumer research practices with Kairos

Thumbnail of IPG logo


  Deeply understand core audiences

  Enhance your traditional methodologies

  Gather better data in natural settings

  Increase your ROI on research

  Fully automate your audience analytics

  From websites to movies - test everything

Ready to get started with Kairos?