Service with a Smile

These days patient satisfaction is everything. It can be the difference between whether a hospital is funded or not. Don’t leave your ratings to chance. Use Kairos to get instant and ongoing feedback from your patients on their service and care. Conduct exit surveys at checkout for even greater accuracy on your patient’s happiness.


Patient ID

Kairos empowers healthcare providers to do what matters most, manage and deliver patient care. Kairos helps centralize all patient data such as medical records, visitor information and recovery logs. Once a patient enrolls to a Kairos powered platform, one photo is enough to pull their records.

Putting a face to a name protects caregivers from duplicate records and name similarities. Additionally, knowing who’s in the hospital can help manage patient wait times.


Privacy is Paramount

We know patient privacy is one of your top priorities. Give yourself one less thing to worry about. Kairos does not collect personal information and never saves photographs. While we easily identify people, we always keep their identity safe.


Security and Authentication

Authenticating medical staff is just as important as identifying patients. Kairos keeps teams accountable and ensures only authorized personnel has access to confidential records. Kairos can help you reduce fraud on your medical systems. You can tackle everything from entrance restriction to medication prescriptions.


Help Those Who Can’t Help Themselves

Unfortunately not everyone who walks into a hospital is there for an annual physical. When treating patients with mental illness or memory issues, Kairos can identify individuals quickly and discreetly. Don’t leave anything to chance.

  Measure patient satisfaction

  Increase your facility's security

  Centralize patient records

  Recognize patients with one photograph

  Increase your teams' accountability

  Verify staff and visitor information

Ready to get started with Kairos?