'Welcome' in cursive in the foreground with IMRSV and Kairos logos on the background


We would like to offer a warm welcome to the customers of IMRSV. By now you will have heard that Kairos has acquired IMRSV, creating the only facial biometrics company in the world that has facial recognition and full emotion analysis tools for developers, as well as real world analytics tools for marketers. You can rest assured that it will be business as usual for most of you. We look forward to working with you as we further develop our advanced facial detection, recognition and analytics products.

As part of the integration of the new products into the Kairos range, we have changed the names of the former-IMRSV products, so this is a quick guide as to where you you can find your products and relevant information on them now.

The former Cara Enterprise SDK (the heart of the Cara Suite) is now the Crowd Analytics SDK. Users can be assured that they can continue using the SDK as before, with no obvious change for the end user. Kairos will continue to offer full support, and we provide full documentation for the Crowd Analytics SDK

What was previously Cara Emotion is now called the Emotion Analytics API. Again, the fact that Kairos has acquired it will have no effect on the end user. We have the necessary documentation available for the Emotion Analytics API.

For those marketers who have been using Cara CV to gain their real world analytics in relation to their marketing displays, the product is now known as the IMRSV Real-World Analytics for Marketing. We have documentation that will assist you with your project using the IMRSV Real-World Analytics for Marketing

There are a few parts of the former Cara Suite that are no longer being actively developed and marketed. We no longer publicly offer Cara Player, but plan to open source it at some stage in the future. We are still happy to provide support to any current users, however. If you do still have a need to use the Cara Player, submit a contact form requesting the Cara Player Demo download link.

Similarly, Cara Cloud is no longer being offered to new users, however current users still have full access to their existing Cara Cloud accounts and data.

We would like to encourage all former IMRSV API users to register for our Face Recognition API and we will be adding new features to over the next 60 days.

We are extremely thankful to have you as customers at Kairos, and we are certain that we can build up a happy, prosperous and professional working relationship with you. We are continually researching and updating our products, and we are sure that there will be many innovative advancements that will occur over the next few years that will further advance our capabilities in facial detection, recognition and analytics.



Verify people in your apps—Integrate face recognition with our easy-to-code API.



Discover the benefits of Kairos Face Recognition—Let's connect.




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