Young woman smiling as she watches a movie with demographic data overlaying image


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We’re announcing our new developer product, the Kairos Human Analytics SDK, to allow any business to create more personal experiences for their users.


This new SDK lets you measure and use data about the human face in your camera enabled apps and products. Its state-of-the-art face analysis and machine learning algorithms deliver fast and accurate real-time results. You can analyze any image, video or stream from most embedded, USB or IP cameras.

Why you should use our SDK

The Kairos Human Analytics SDK is your foundation for gathering actionable insights from people's faces in virtually any setting. It provides useful data points about people as they interact with your products and services. This new level of understanding can inform your business decision making and help you create seamless experiences for your customers.

Capture insights about the human face that include:

  • Identity
  • Emotions
  • Demographics

Learn more about Human Analytics - See all of Kairos' face recognition features.

You could measure and respond to the emotions and demographics of people experiencing your digital advertising. Alternatively, you could search through millions of faces to find a match. All this, and more, is possible with the Kairos Human Analytics SDK.

Why we created the Kairos Human Analytics SDK

The interface between human and machine is rapidly changing. We are seeing technology shift towards personalization, assistive intelligence and in some cases omniscience. For instance, it is now common to have a conversation with your smartphone.

And yet, we wanted to go a step further. What if our devices could see?

The camera has become technology’s view into our world. Any device with a camera will now be able to experience life like we do, and understand people in ways that feel more human. Businesses, by extension, will now be able to better serve their customers and users by acting upon this new type of ‘data’.

And that could be as simple as changing the music in a car when the driver looks bored; or as complex as measuring an entire auditorium as they experience the latest summer blockbuster. The data collected from the human face - be it in the moment, or over time - unlocks so many new opportunities for companies to transform how they deliver their services.


It is likely you are swamped by data - after all, as a civilization we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day - and you may find it hard to get value out of it. So, why would you need more of this stuff?.

To answer that question, we must go back 50,000 years (bear with me!), and look at the first Modern Humans. This is where, as a species, we developed our cognitive and behavioral traits. And these traits haven’t fundamentally changed over that time, we have just come to learn more about what they may mean.

The data we could have gathered all those millennia ago wouldn’t be hugely different from what we gather today. Just think about that for a moment.

The human face is the most accessible way in which we are able to understand how someone might be feeling, and how someone might feel can give us clues to how they might behave. Data about the face is key to this understanding.

Photo explaining the 49 feature points of the human face

Kairos software measures 49 unique points on the human face to gather data that includes emotions, expressions, eye blinks, age, and gender.

So, whilst we don’t recommend trashing all of your existing data - we simply ask you to consider how relevant it is to who you serve - your customers, your community, your audiences. Do you really know how your people feel? What motivates them? What makes them happy? What they are... afraid of?

Allowing machines, computers and devices to understand and respond to people affectively means they can learn the importance of empathy. This can make them appear ‘more human’ and help them serve us in ways that, while seeming futuristic, are as ancient as our species.

Human Analytics is your foundation for building intelligent experiments that return actionable insights. It provides data about the people as they interact with your products and services that can inform business decisions that go way beyond your traditional data analysis.


It's easy to integrate face analysis into your products

Face facts
Our high-quality algorithms can help you measure every aspect of people’s faces. From emotions and pose; to blinks and age - use this data to create uniquely personal experiences and humanize your products.

Get emotional
Emotions drive human decision-making and now you can use this data right inside of your apps and services. Swap out your digital signage in real-time based on customer reactions or measure how audiences respond to your latest brand commercial.

Analyze any image or video. We support all the popular file types and formats. We also support streams from most USB and IP cameras. Want to embed our SDK in your self-driving cars? Let’s talk.

Code happy
We provide rich, usable developer documentation, demo apps and easy to use libraries so you can develop on all your favorite platforms.

Expert support
We’re a professional and responsive team ready to answer your phone call, email or tweet. We love to help.

Do what you do best
Whether you’re just starting out or a Fortune 500 company we make the Future accessible to all. With scalable and customizable pricing, self-service products and useful documentation, Kairos minimizes process and lets you do what you do best; run your business.

Enterprise ready
Highly customizable and flexible SLAs mean you can be assured Kairos is a partner not just another one of your vendors. Our team isn’t just a bunch of academics with ‘cool tech’. We come from companies like Apple and IBM, so we know what it takes to deliver large-scale, complex projects. In short: “we get it”.

Who’s it for?

The Kairos Human Analytics SDK is a software kit designed for developers to integrate Kairos’ face analysis services into their products.

This isn’t a ‘turn key’ product, it requires the skilled hand of a programmer. That said, any business can benefit from Kairos. We have designed the SDK to be flexible and agnostic to any one particular use case. Our customers range from DOOH (Digital-out-of-home) Agencies to Car Manufacturers; from Cruise Lines to Movie Studios.

Whatever your outcome, we have made it easy for any business to benefit from gathering demographic and emotion data.

Okay, how does it work?

Once integrated and camera enabled, our SDK’s process is as follows:

First, we scan the image or frame of video looking for all the faces. Next, we look for the feature points on each face i.e: the location of the eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth.

Once we locate these feature points we are then able to determine many other things. These include emotional expressions, age, gender, and if people are wearing glasses or blinking. That information is then provided back in the form of various objects in the SDK.

In the following frames of a video, we keep track of the location of each face and just need to find the feature points. This means we can still measure faces even if parts of them are covered; the technical term is 'occlusion'. So, if someone scratches their nose, for example, it won't affect your results. All this keeps our algorithms fast and their resource consumption low.


Flowchart diagram illustrating how the Kairos Human Analytics SDK works

Services that need to find the face in every frame have poorer accuracy and performance compared to Kairos' proprietary feature-point detection.


How do I get it?

We no longer support this product. For alternatives please contact us.



Verify people in your apps—Integrate face recognition with our easy-to-code API.



Discover the benefits of Kairos Face Recognition—Let's connect.




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